We, the DJs at HotTraxRadio, don't have many rules. We don't play hate music, and we don't play more than 2 songs by an artist in an hour. That's about it. We choose our own music, and maintain our own playlists. But this weekend, a new "rule" has been written. I suppose the current DJs will be "grandfathered" in, but there is now a list of 8 songs new DJs MUST have.
The Lizard Boss' MUST HAVE List to be a HotTrax DJ
1. Boston - Foreplay/Long Time
2. Eric Clapton - Layla (acoustic)
3. Nickleback - Rockstar (he says it's the HotTrax anthem)
4. Shaggy - It Wasn't Me (I say this is the HotTrax anthem!)
5. Tesla - What U Give (live)
6. Eagles - Get Over It
7. Chicago - Beginnings
8. Enya - Orinoco Flow
I suppose that's not a lot to ask of your DJs. For the most part, they are pretty widely known, and most everyone seems to enjoy them... and they do seem to find their way into CDR (Context Driven Radio) fairly often in our chat room.
Actually, I did a little "research" as I was writing this, and I think most of the DJs have all of these, and those who don't have them all have the majority of them. Of course, the Boss was just joking about this list (sort of) but it makes me wonder... what would be on your list of 8 MUST HAVES? I'd love to hear your answers in comments!
13 years ago
Well I scored 5 1/2 out of 8. I'm counting half for Tesla but its not the live version but I haven't got a single Shaggy tune in my playlist!!! Should I resign now?
Whats all this Context Driven Radio stuff anyway? Are these yet more buzzwords which have crept into our language to thwart genuine communication? What does it mean?
Are the 8 'must haves' determined by your own favourites or how you think the station should be symbolised...in the appropriate ..er..context? ;) I'll wait for a comment before supplying a list
LOL Alex! I'll take a stab at this, since I put the Boss in this position, and then he can reply to all of the above!
CDR (Context Driven Radio)comes from talk in the chat room. For instance, the other night there was talk of who had the biggest backside in the chat room, so obviously Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls" had to be played. CDR!!!
As for the "Must Have" list, while some of those are definitely favorites of the Boss, I think he was thinking more in terms of songs that are oft requested, and suit the feel of the station. I'm thinking that we all have our "Must Haves" for us... songs that represent who we are and what we like... and what we'd like the listeners to like. I'll have to work on my list this week... of course, it may change next week!
OK well with my Context Driven Hat on (or CDH) I'll come up with a diverse eight that reflect me :)
1. The Who - Won't get fooled again
2. Bob Dylan - Visions of Johanna
3. Steely Dan - Reelin in the Years
4. Lynnrd Skynnrd - Sweet Home Alabama
5. Linda Ronstadt - Tracks of my Tears (yes I do think its better than the original)
6. Eric Clapton - Crossroads
7. Simon and Garfunkel - America
8. Gerry Rafferty - Right down the line
So hard to choose. No Beatles, no Stones and no Nickelback, Linkin Park etc etc. and most certainly no Buck Cherry !!! :) No seriously I love some of the modern groups but Ive gone for substance and memorability and I don't think anyone will remember most of these current bands in five years time.
1. Tesla
2. Tesla
3. Tesla
4. Tesla
5. Tesla
6. Tesla
7. Tesla
8. Tesla
There......... There is the only List you need....(giggles)
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