Now DJ Jazzy's judgment is generally pretty good (well he employed me , didn't he? ) but I'm afraid on the issue of beer, I shall continue to claim a certain vindication of my own good taste. It's a shame, I suppose, that Americans are exposed to the frozen polar-bear temperature stuff provided, primarily, by Anheuser-Busch, thus they think all our beer is warm and outlandish. I shake my head in sorrow at such a misrepresentation.
For example, only yesterday, I visited my local hostelry and took away the regular brochure of cask ale delights (another delight most Americans never sample unless they taste the products of micro breweries). Cask Ale, for the uninitiated, is living beer where the yeast is still active, unlike the pasteurised, pressurised carbon dioxide filled stuff that keeps for ever and tastes like gassy water.
Now just sample some of the delights of the cask catalogue and salivate. These are just some of the names and descriptions:-
Stonehenge Eye Opener - A beautiful, dry and smooth premium bitter with a hint of toffee, complementing the citrus and spicy flavours
Harviestoun 666 - The Number of the Beast - A tasty ale light in colour but strong on flavour.
Mystic Libra - A hoppy beer with a light citrus orangey aroma
Drunken Monkey - Burnt toffee and light custard hints permeate from this flavour packed best bitter.
See what I mean? And that's just a few. I suppose now I have retired from a 'proper job' the quality of ale has become an even higher priority than it used to be but even when I was working in computer systems I once turned down a job in New York, the horrible worry racing through my mind of where on earth I would get a decent drink at night. I saw the prospect of endless glasses of freezing cold....nothing.
Seriously, I love the United States and its people. I have literally dozens of friends there..and now hopefully even more on this station (until they read this ) but live there? Not until you import a British brewery!!!
DJ Alex

LOL that was interesting Alex thanks, I will still stick with Miller Lite ( when I want a nice COLD brew) lol:) I do however find that all over the world everything is different and that is what makes each unique... xoxo
What a perfect topic, Alex... and you're right... beer is often a topic of conversation in the station chat room. LOL It never fails to cause the Boss's ears to perk!
Thanks for the comments. You can of course get some good beer in America from the micro breweries, and likewise some really bad beer here but there is a definite culture difference on the temperature and I really hate freezing beer. On the subject of really bad beer we used to have a beer called Red Barrel which was awful and gave rise to one of the best bits of graffiti:
"Why is drinking Red Barrel like having sex in a rowing boat? Because it's f***ing close to water!'
(Moderator feel free to delete that if unacceptable :) )
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