One might ask, "Why does a radio station need a blog?" That's certainly a valid question, since the station itself is nothing more than a group of people who have come together for a common purpose: to have fun being djs on the radio. It seems like it might be a good way for us to express something more than just what we put on our normal website.
I'll start by saying that since this blog is maintained by the station manager, it's content and the views represented herein are not necessarily those of the entire station staff. Nor do they constitute official policy of the station itself.
Having gotten the "legal stuff" out of the way, I hope to present in this blog some interesting items that you will enjoy reading. I will likely ramble and carry on... I may even rail a bit here and there. Please do submit your comments and let me know what you like and dislike here as I'm not quite sure yet what all will appear in these pages. Your input is always welcome!
13 years ago